Importance of travel in life!


We mostly associate travel with an opportunity to capture photographs, visit new places, and involve in fun activities. But in reality, it offers much more ranging from refreshing our minds to aiding in self-development and bringing out new ideas. The holistic development attained by visiting new places and meeting new faces can never be achieved sitting within the four walls of the home. Read on to know the importance of travel and how traveling can widen our perspectives. Above all, keep depression, stress, and anxiety at bay.

Broadens Horizons

Traveling offers a better understanding of human history as you get to explore new species of animals and plants. This is why most of the breakthroughs in discovery were done by travelers who hungered to broaden their knowledge. Had Columbus not traveled the world, we would still believe that the earth is flat.

Exploration helps us learn about new places and cultures, thus satiating our need for discovery. Since the beginning of time, humans have been explorers yearning to discover the unknown. We can better prepare our future generations on learning more about our planet be it in terms of flora and fauna protection, climate change, or other environmental issues.

New Exposures

As we venture out of our comfort zone, our stress level reduces which immensely benefits our physical health. Travel opens our knowledge perspective to different medicines and remedies from around the globe. Explorers like Edward Jenner and James Cook were the first to develop the smallpox vaccine in 1796. Without their efforts, countless lives would have been lost.


Travel has an immense role to play in our self-development as it teaches us to be more sympathetic, open, and considerate of others. We become more inclusive by learning to adapt outside our comfort zone by interacting with people from all over the world. Traveling makes us realize that we should be open to different cultures and people and this, in turn, helps create new memories, relieve stress, and teaches us to approach life in a different way.


Increases Adaptability

Whether on business or pleasure trips, human minds are stimulated by new sights and experiences. This travel experience helps us to respond better to stressful situations by increasing our adaptability. We get to exercise different parts of our brain and this helps in keeping our minds sharp. Hence, this proves the importance of travel in life to keep our brains active!

Aids Learning

The education we receive from different sources like television, books, and radio is all the result of globalization. Moreover, without travel education will remain limited. Thus, restricting our access to the latest happenings around the globe. Travel constantly improves our education from politics, history, and geography to basic words in the local language.

New Cultural Insights

Exploring new places and experiencing new cultures, sparks our imagination and acts as inspiration for our upcoming activities. It isn’t uncommon for chefs to get inspired by local cuisines while traveling overseas. They render a better variation of the same dish once back home.

Improves Creativity

Travel improves creativity and the memory of our minds. It teaches us to keep our minds open and think outside the box. Learning a new thing every time helps strengthen the neural circuits in the brain. So, it gets easier for us to remember things in the future.

Eating the same food every day would be plain boring. Previously, people used to consume homegrown foods or ones bought from local markets. Limited travel opportunities also bottlenecked their food options. Travelling has opened us up to different food choices as we visit new places and bring back indigenous gastronomic platter ideas.

To sum up, mankind has been traveling for many years. People have been moving around in search of better food sources, living conditions, and earning opportunities. After all, we are all dwellers on the same planet and traveling is the common cord that binds us together. As we get to make new friends and improve our inner harmony, we grow as better people. And this helps build the diverse society we live in today. By now we all know the importance of travel in our life.

So, let the travel bug bite you!!

Optimistic Travelers
Optimistic Travelers
Optimistic Travelers is a popular travel and lifestyle blog which focuses on travel, travel tips, lifestyle, food and drinks.  Optimistic Travelers is run by me (Nik) and my husband Sam. I come from a background in Pharmaceuticals however; travelling writing has always been my passion. Sam has a background in Information and Technology, Sam fell in love with photography and blogging a few years ago. Well seasoned traveler, nowadays he is the official photographer of and I tend to do the writing and editing. We both are self-driven Optimistic Travelers with a strong interest in lifestyle, adventure, food and obviously travel. We are currently in Canada and loving it! Most of our time is dedicated to working on Optimistic Travelers and earn a good living from it.

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